
An initiative to preserve Pakistan's Flora & Fauna.

    Pak Harborage is a nonprofit organization.  The purpose of “Pak Harborage” is to preserve flora and fauna of Pakistan for future generations.       The wildlife sanctuaries will be established to protect the local wildlife specially the endangered species. It is quite difficult to always relocate the animals from their natural habitat, therefore, protecting them in their natural environment is advantageous. The endangered species will be specially monitored in the wildlife sanctuaries.
     The activities of Pak harborage would initially focus in the province of Punjab and subsequently cover the whole country when sufficient membership and funds are raised.
About Us  image
To preserve and promote sustainable wildlife sanctuaries.
To increase tree density in uncultivated government and private lands.
Support government efforts to curb illegal hunting and pouching.
Engage with relevant stake holders for protection of endangered species.
Advocacy and advise to society and government officials to organize and limit legal hunting in bounds to protect natural life cycles of different animals and preserve eco system.
Promote societal sense of cleanliness to reduce garbage and promote recyclable materials.
And in furtherance of the principal objectives, the Organization shall have the following ancillary objects and parameters:
All out efforts will be made to abide by all national, provincial and local government laws.
Activities will be undertaken both in physical and information domain.
Activities will be planned in a realistic manner within financial constraints and may be expanded as per availability/ generation of funds.
Physical projects would focus on riverine areas, woods and uncultivated lands which are natural habitats of the wild life.
To take such steps by personal or written appeals, private meetings, public meetings or representations to Parliament, government entities and other bodies as may be deemed expedient to promote any of the objects of the Organization.
To raise, secure and utilise funds for the attainment of any or all objects of the Organization, and to do such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of these objects.

Advocate Ch Rafique Ahmad


Advocate Ch Rafique Ahmad belongs to Shakargarh, District Narowal and presently heads his own construction and consultancy firm in Rawalpindi. He is a nature lover and a wildlife enthusiast and is a founding member of Pakharborage.

Engr Mohsin Mehmood

Director Technical

An electrical engineer from Lalamusa, Gujrat; he is presently working in a managerial position in a leading cable manufacturing company in Lahore. An animal lover and wild life enthusiast, who is a founding member of Pakharborage.

Dr Nisar Ahmed

Director Habitats

A leading orthopedic surgeon in Sialkot. He has been active participant in community's philanthropic activities. He looks after habitat development and ecosystem sustainability in Pakharborage projects.

Ch Iftikhar Ahmed

Director Plantation

An agriculturist by profession, he hails from a border village of Shakargarh. He enjoys wide respect across communities owing to his humanitarianism and relief work. His 24/7 presence in area of focus of most Pakharborage projects allows effective oversight of various initiatives as well as liaison & coordination with other local stakeholders

Chaudhary Arshad

Director MOUs

A career bureaucrat who recently got retired from a leadership role in Senate of Pakistan. He has devoted himself to various intensive farming initiatives. He leads negotiations and establishment of various binding/nonbinding legal instruments with governmental and nongovernmental stakeholders for furtherance of Pakharborage objectives.

Abdullah Bin Fahd

Director Youth

Abdullah Bin Fahd is a dedicated university student, ardent wildlife enthusiast, and compassionate philanthropist who is deeply committed to environmental conservation. As the Director of the Youth Wing at Pakharborage, Abdullah is at the forefront of inspiring positive change in the sphere of wildlife preservation and habitat quality in Pakistan. Having traversed the diverse landscapes of Pakistan, Abdullah's extensive travels have granted him invaluable insights into the challenges faced by our nation's wildlife and the pressing need for conservation efforts. His profound awareness of the delicate balance between human activities and the natural environment fuels his unwavering commitment to safeguarding the unique biodiversity that graces Pakistan's borders. Abdullah Bin Fahd actively addresses issues related to habitat capacity and quality for wildlife in Pakistan. His passion for the cause is reflected in his tireless efforts to mobilize the younger generation. As the Director of the Youth Wing, Abdullah spearheads initiatives that encourage youth participation in activities aimed at preserving our natural heritage. Through his leadership, Abdullah seeks to create a vibrant community of young individuals dedicated to environmental stewardship. By fostering a sense of responsibility and instilling a love for wildlife, he envisions a future where the youth of Pakistan actively contribute to the sustainable coexistence of humanity and nature.

  • Pak Harborage Secretariat, Abdullah Market Main Banghial Road, Bassali,
  • Rawalpindi